Spacehardware – Cygnx Wavetable Synthesizer
Spacehardware makes a monophonic wavetables synthesizer with special pin matrix (ems style) and analog filters:
Front panel LED matrix Oscilloscope showing the pre-filter sound.
Two digital oscillators:
12 sweepable wavetables with smooth / stepped mode, sweep direction.
24 single cycle waveforms mixable viy Add, Xor, Split, Phase Distortion, FM.
PWM mode.
Waveshaping options – Layer, Sync, Fold, Shape, Phase Distortion 1, Phase Distortion 2, Phase Distortion 3
Filter 1: 12dB/Oct LPF/BPF with overdrive, analog
Filter 2: 24dB/Oct LPF/Notch with variable notch mode, analog
3 LFOs and 2 analogue ADSRs
120 step programmable sequencer, records note value and velocity.
Midi In + Thru.
im Forum: Space Hardware CYGNX – Desktop wavetable monosynth
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